NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Maths Chapter 8
NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Maths Chapter 8 - Decimals
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 maths Chapter 8 Decimals helps students who want to get a good academic score on the exam. ExamExxpert's experts have designed these solutions to increase student confidence by helping them understand the concepts contained in this chapter. The NCERT solution for 6 class includes ways to quickly and easily solve problems in a book. These materials are based on the Class 6 NCERT syllabus, focusing on the types of questions asked in the NCERT textbook.
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Chapter 8: Decimals
The chapter discusses the idea of decimals through decimal and word problems and then delves into the complex concepts of decimals. Decimals, Hundreds, Comparing and Using, Decimal, Plus, Length, Weight, Addition, and Subtraction of Numbers with Decimals are some of the topics covered in this chapter. This chapter has 6 exercises with issues related to the concepts discussed in the chapter.